National University of Singapore
The NUS Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) is one of major players in advancing the chemical engineering discipline to solve pressing problems facing mankind today, with a truly Singaporean spirit of growth, innovation and enterprise. Attracting best students from Singapore and the region, with faculty members coming from all corners of the globe, ChBE provides a combination of world-class cutting edge research, educational practice, and opportunities for working adults to up-scale their skills and knowledge; to help Singapore companies and industries enhance the value of their workforce in order to stay relevant and competitive; and to support the manpower needs of Singapore. Offering higher education programs, such as PhD, MEng, MSc (Chemical Engineering), and the MSc (Safety, Health and Environmental Technology); customized programs, such as specialization certification courses in niche industries; as well as short courses for professionals and managers. Clientele will appreciate the prestige and hallmark of the NUS name as the Asia’s leading university.

Master of Science: Safety Health & Environmental Technology
- Taught by Industry Practitioners, Professional Engineers, Specialist Scientists and Regulatory Representatives, this program will enable you to gain a deeper knowledge across broad subjects of SHE Management and advanced skillsets at the management, advisory, and consultant levels.
- Specialization in Industrial Hygiene: niche know-how in evaluating hazardous exposure and design control measures, quantifying chemical hazards and support occupational health management.
- Specialization in Process Safety: niche know-how in quantifying chemical process risks and implement safety controls, evaluating hazardous emissions and support process safety management.
1 year for full-time; 2 years for part-time
Application Period: 22 January to 24 February 2021 for August 2021 Intake:
Course Fees (in Academic Year 2021/2022):