Prof. Yi Liu (UPC)
Prof. Yi Liu is currently the associate director of Center for Chemical Process Safety-China Section of AIChE, Professor in the College of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China). He completed his MSc. (Applied Chemistry) in Anhui University of Science and Technology, and his Doctorate in State Key Laboratory of Fire Science in the University of Science and Technology of China. Dr. Liu is a registered Safety Professional Engineer and Functional Safety Engineer. His research interests are Process Safety; Engineering Education; Hydrogen safety; as well as Fire and explosion prevention. Dr. Liu has over 100 publications and International Peer Reviewed Journals, Conferences’ Proceeding and invited talks.
Dr. Liu is currently serving as deputy dean of College of Chemical Engineering at China University of Petroleum (East China). He also acted as the Member of the Work Safety consultant for Qingdao municipal city. He has organized seven CCPS China Process Safety Conferences since 2013, and he is frequently invited as speaker/ panelist in local and regional seminars/ conferences on Process Safety since 2007.